The analysis of moral values in folktales by hans cristian andersen
Literature is a media through which a person can express his or her ideas or protest beside different norms of society. Those works that deal with a normal issue are particular purpose in mind. An author can communicate with the readers of a literary work if they can understand what the author wants to send. The title of this study is The Analysis of Moral Values in folktales by Hans Christian Andersen. This study is intended to find out the moral values contain in the story. The technique which is used by the writer in this thesis is literature search. A literature search involves reviewing all readily available materials. By using this kind of technique, the writer took possible information that was represented in the form of books, articles, traditional manuscripts, or literature review which have any relation to study. The conclusion of this research, all characters’ behavior give lesson to readers. The good moral values, such as faithful, helpful, ambitious, a good motivator, and love. And bad moral values such as selfish, wicked, possessive and not respectful.
Keywords: Literature, Folktales, Moral Values.
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