This research is entitled An analysis of Speech Acts Found in ‘Fine
Things’ by Danielle Steel. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data
taken are the dialogues of the main character in ‘Fine Things’. All the utterances
in the dialogues are identified and classified based on the classifications of speech
acts. Data description and identification are using concept of pragmatics which is
proposed by Searle which emphasizes that pragmatics analysis is the analysis of
meaning is based on the speaker’s intention. The analysis of meaning is seen from
the types of speech act, such as locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary. The
forms of illocutionary act are tabulated based on the classification of illocutionary
speech act, that is, representative, directive, commisive, declarative and
expressive. The result shows that the five types of speech act are found in the
whole texts of the dialogues which signify that literary discourse is central to
pragmatic analysis. Total distribution of the speech act is 107 items/ texts. The
distribution varies from one classification to others. There are 72 representative
illocutionary speech act representing 67,29 % out of the whole the texts. Directive
illocutionary speech act takes the second place with 21 examples 19,63 %);
commissive 8 (7,48 %); declarative 1 (0.93 %) and expressive 5 (4,67 %). Thus,
representative illocutionary is the most highly used or dominant. The least is
declarative with only 1 utterance.
Keyword: Speech Act , Utterances , Locotionary, Illocutionary, Perlocotionary.
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