Kajian sosiologi sastra pada mantra pekasih di desa Baran melintang kecamatan pulau merbau
This thesis entitled "THE STUDY OF LITERATURE SOCIOLOGY philtre MANTRA IN THE DESA BARAN MELINTANG KECAMATAN PULAU MERBAU". What is meant by the title of this essay as a whole is to examine more deeply about how to study sociology of literature on Mantra philtre in the village of Baran Melintang District of Merbau Island. From the results of research in the village of Baran Melintang to note that Mantra philtre used in the science of grace and circulating in the community a variety of shapes and types as well as the name suggests, the sasat now this spell has been changed, not much else is using this spell as used by parents dahaulu. Thus Mantra philtre no longer applied in the public and literary values that are in the form of spells will decrease. Since no one is maintaining the mantra in public life. In obtaining and collecting data, the authors use qualitative methods, the research used to examine the condition of the object in the community, in this study is the Mantra philtre in the village of Baran Melintang. This study aims to determine bagaiimana soiologi study literature at Mantra philtre in the village of Baran Melintang and how the conditions of the spell in the District Crossing Village community Baran Melintang Kecamatan Pulau Merbau
377/FIB/2016/SAI | 377 SAI s | My Library | Tersedia |
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