The analysis of translantion techniques found in subtitle of gone girl: By David Fincer
This thesis is intended to analyze translation techniques used by translators in the
film of Gone Girl by david fincer translated into indonesia by Nazaret Setiabudi.
Also analyzes the translation techniques used are most dominant in the film. The
research is conducted by applying library research by analyzing the film. The
research uses qualitative analysis. This study from eighteenth of techniques there
are seventeen techniquers found, namely borrowing, calque, literal, transposition,
compensation, modulation, establish equivalent, adaptation, generalization,
particularization, description, amplification, reduction, subtitutions, Linguistic
Compression, Discursive Creation, variation. While Linguistic Amplification is
not found. Linguistic Amplification is not found because there is no word add or
some expressions as the utterances. The dominants are borrowing and modulation.
Key words: Translation Techniques, film, subtitle, Gone Girl
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